Like many types of journey, my life-journey has sometimes been arduous. I've had to climb the tallest mountains into the clouds, and walked blind through thick fog. I have fallen, and had to walk back on myself when the way ahead was blocked. I have changed direction many times, but had faith that it was the right thing to do. At times the views have been amazing and I've had glimpses of where I'm heading, but mostly the destination is just out of sight, around the next corner.
I have questioned my journey a lot, especially since I began to near the age of 30. It seems like I should have my life figured out; I should know where I'm going. Yet, in these last few months of my 20's I know I am more fully myself than ever before. I stand taller. I am more fierce and unapologetic. My roots have begun to reach deep into the belly of the Earth: The Great Goddess supports me. I have begun to find my voice and I'm no longer afraid of who hears it.
Part of why I started this blog was to have a space to speak; to talk about the things on my mind and in my heart. It hasn't always been easy to think of things to share though, and I still find that I censor myself.
I have just begun a new journey into Druidry, by starting the Bardic Grade with The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. I have glimpsed where I may be heading again, and I'm thankful to be given that gift. I know the course will expand what I already have inside of me; it will unlock the Awen that I have inside my soul.